These articles are meant to help every human unlock their potential, getting inspired by my personal experiences, and great leaders' backgrounds and struggles changing into overwhelming success.

  • Wayne Dyer

    “You don’t need to be better than any one else, you just need to be better than you used to be.”

  • Eric Thomas

    “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”

  • Amos Lawrence

    "Good principles, good temper, and good manners will carry a young man through the world much better than he can get along with the absence of either."

  • Henry Disston

    "The fading flowers of pleasures Spring spontaneous from the soil, But the real harvest's treasure Yields alone to patient toil."

  • Thomas Jefferson

    "Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time,"

Showing posts with label Personal Growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Growth. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Currency Trading - An Introduction

 The simplest definition of currency trading is the practice of exchanging one country's currency for another country's currency. 

Basically, currency trading involves four main variables: currencies, exchange rate, time, and interest rate. 

The interplay of these variables creates opportunities for small investors to obtain investment returns that are generally unheard of in the traditional investment world. It is also referred to as foreign exchange, FX or Forex, but the essence remains the same that currency trading is the exchange of one currency against another.

Perhaps, in terms of trading volume, the currency exchange market is the world's largest market, with daily trading volumes in excess of $1.5 trillion US dollars (although the figures may differ, but this is just an approximation to show its importance). 

One thing is for sure that in orders of magnitude it is much larger than the bond or stock markets. 

For example, the New York Stock Exchange has a daily trading volume of approximately $50 billion. 

So you can easily imagine its importance in the trading world of today. 

Moreover, contrary to earlier thoughts, currency trading is not limited to just larger organizations and other large banks and financial institutions, but open to everyone who has enough expertise and determination to hard work.

You can start playing the currency trading market with real market conditions immediately. 

Trading opportunities in the forex currency trading market are now available to individuals through technology interfaces such as those used by major currency trading brokerage firms (usually large corporations with big tummies).

 If you decide to hire a professional who takes advantage of this technology, you will be able to view your accounts' closed trades 24 hours per day through a secured, online access portal.

Historically, SMBs and individual investors have had limited access to the forex market. 

For decades, major banks, multinational corporations and other participants, trading in large transaction sizes and volumes, have dominated this market. 

However, just like many other business segments technology has lowered the barriers of entry and opened up this attractive marketplace to a new breed of investors and speculators.

Technological advancement, along with liberal market sentiments, has allowed almost everyone to deal in currency trading, unlikely to the past when there were only few organizations that could trade the currency. 

You also can open a mini account with as little as $300 US although $2000 US is recommended. Keep in mind that mainly major banks, international organizations and some other are doing very well in currency trading.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Do Less to Accomplish More

 Multitasking – it's how we do things these days. 

Five things at once.


Time crunch. 

Too much to do, so little time. 

We're busy, busy, busy. ..Rush, rush, rush. 

Gotta be productive. 

Gotta get more done. 

Gotta go more places, have more things, see more people. 

We're frantic, exhausted, and stressed. 

You know the scenario. I know it, too. 

Here are some recent examples.

I'm finishing the dinner dishes while starting a load of laundry, taking out the trash, setting up a lunch date with a friend on the phone, and baking super-chunk chocolate chip cookies.  (We can't forget the importance of chocolate in our daily lives!)  

End result: bits of tissue from an unchecked pocket all over the "clean" clothes, a spilled glass of milk, a lunch date mis-entered on the calendar, a sticky, stinky mess on the floor from dropping (and spilling) the trash, and two broken dishes. 

Oh, and I burn the cookies, too, and hurt my friend's feelings by not paying attention to her. 

All in all, apologizing, cleaning up the mess, straightening out the confusion, and redoing the jobs I was trying to do all at once take more than twice as long (and create about twenty times the stress) as if I'd done things one at a time. 

Or I'll be putting laundry away while tidying the house, having a yelled conversation with my daughter, and thinking about an article to write. 

End result: My daughter thinks I'm angry because I'm yelling, I can't ever find the stuff I've put away (and two months later end up buying replacements, only to have the original turn up the next day), and half my clothes fall off the hangers and have to be picked up and rehung. 

Or even ironed, if I don't catch them for a couple of days. Then I forget to write the article. 

I've been known to (accidentally) leave my sunglasses in the refrigerator and my car keys in the bathroom sink because I was thinking of what I had to do next instead of paying attention to what I was doing at the time.

What I – and everyone else caught in this rush-rush trap – need to do is just slow down. 

Do one thing at a time and be fully present for it. 

We'll end up saving time, money, and energy in the long run. 

By slowing down, by concentrating on one thing at once, you'll remember tomorrow what you did today. 

You'll know where you put your car keys. You'll remember that you bought a loaf of bread yesterday, and you don't need to buy two more. 

You won't burn your cookies and have to start from scratch. 

And in the long run, you'll save time, money, and stress.

Now, we don't need to swing too far the other way. 

My beloved husband, the official cookie maker in the family, will put a batch of cookies in and actually sit and watch them as they brown. 

Of course, he also watches paint dry and glue set. (Really!) 

And while what he does he does well, that extreme would drive me crazy. 

So I compromise. 

I do two things at once, or even three, but no longer four or five. I put the cookies in to bake, then settle in on a chair in front of the oven with a magazine (or a telephone) and keep those cookies company. Then I’ll sample one as soon as it's out of the oven and cool enough to handle. That's a reward I've been missing out on. 

I've been too frantic, too busy, doing too many things at once to enjoy the fruits - or cookies - of my labors. 

I don't get the satisfaction of a completed job, much less a job well done when I'm doing so many things at once that none of them are well done. 

So a vague sense of dissatisfaction builds up, along with the frantic stress that's also a by-product. 

Between stress and dissatisfaction, I get the feeling I need to do more – when actually, that's the cause of the problem. 

The answer may seem counterintuitive: I need to do less.

After a certain point, multitasking is no longer efficient. Sometimes (take cell phones and driving, for example), it can be downright dangerous. 

I'd like to challenge you to notice how much you really accomplish when you multitask. 

Are you saving enough time to be worth the stress and the worry? 

Or if you did one or two things at once, instead of four or five or six, would you end up with more energy and less stress, more satisfaction, and less time expended? 

It's up to you – only you can escape from the rush-rush, multitask, a be-more-productive trap that American society is caught up in. 

Only you can choose to do more by doing less all at once. 

The reward? 

Finding your car keys exactly where they are supposed to be and eating a perfectly baked chocolate chip cookie is priceless.


Authentic Success

 A More Effective Way

I own a stack of self-improvement books ten feet tall. 

Achievement seminars I've attended number in the dozens. 

I had been trying to improve myself since the second grade when Mrs. H. burst my young bubble. 

Although I went on to fourteen more years as a star pupil, I never forgot the way she made me feel - not good enough.

 And through the years whenever a co-worker, boss, or customer questioned my motives or integrity, I felt those same feelings - of being not good enough. 

So what went wrong with my self-improvement stint? 

I tried dutifully to follow the advice in all those books and workshops, showing me what to do and how to be. 

But, time after time, I failed. 

I have come to learn that I did not fail...what I did do was try to copy the efforts of others and expect results for me. 

My perceived lack of success came from trying to change myself. And, I was forcing on myself the methods and skills that weren't me! 

Discovering and embracing your own authenticity is the more effective way toward achieving fulfillment in life. 

Want to be a better boss, more valuable volunteer, finer parent, more creative employee? 

Be yourself. 

Know yourself. 

Uncover and use your inborn strengths and natural talents. 

Your authenticity, then, will serve as the foundation for all you are and do. Lead, manage, parent, create, love...all from this base of authenticity. 

Then, and only then, those enhancement skills- time management or assertiveness skills for example- will work in the balance! 


Authenticity, I have found, comes from a combination of engaging your talents, loves, and gifts; being autonomous (self-directed); and relating to your external world in your way- not as a copy of someone or something else. 

In their book Why We Do What We Do (1996 Penguin USA), Edward Deci and Richard Ryan note that some of the signs that hint we are moving towards authenticity include having a feeling of competence and being effective, feel free to choose based on wise decisions, and a certain connectedness to the world. 

Why Bother?

So what is it that makes authenticity so desirable? 

When you strive to find and be your authentic self, you gain a certain control. 

The world continues to spin around and around throwing your days out of whack but you, authentic you, remain in balance. 

You stand ready from a central point of self-control able to make decisions by considering those facets important to you. 

You find satisfaction and contentment through being and acting authentically. 

Even, especially, in times of chaos, you know where you stand because you are in control of yourself. 

If You Don't Bother

Okay, so what if you don't bother? When you are not freely choosing your direction or making choices from an authentic center (your true self), others take control of your being! 

Whether subtle or outright, others may begin to make it seem that your duty is to be under their control, that you indeed must give up your sense of authority over self. 

Certainly, there are some situations that are not within our ability to control (taxes, laws, work regulations, etc.), nor do we desire to. 

However, we can always choose how we will react to, feel about, or even overlook these situations. We also hold great power in any situation - that is hope. 

When you're acting from an authentic foundation you can easily find hope. On the other hand, when you allow others control of you when you are not acting from an authentic place, here's what can happen, and many times do (Are you showing any signs of being unauthentic?): Low job satisfaction

Tardiness or absenteeism

Self-imposed limits on work performance (Why bother doing more?) Bad or poor attitude

No motivation or motivation that is conditional on receiving something else.

Low productivity

Hopelessness (Stuck in a rut)

Too much on your plate (Out of balance or alignment) 

Searching For Your Authenticity

To find your authentic self, you will work hard- it's not that easy a task. 

For me, even when I realized that I had to find my own personal methods that matched my strengths and personality, I struggled to be. . .me. 

Who was I anyway? 

At a training session for a utility corporation, we were asked to quickly tell a story related to a time when we got results by relinquishing control. 

I told the story of helping my daughter to ride her two-wheeler. 

In short, she finally rode the thing when I stopped running alongside her steadying the seat! 

It was a fantastic story, told with finesse. 

My feedback? 

The class thought I was an excellent actress who had told that story many times. 

I hadn't actually - the incident had only occurred two days before the training! 

What I was missing was AUTHENTICITY. 

How could that be? 

It was what I valued most, being true to myself! 

But I wasn't being true to myself. In my heart of hearts, I was yearning to let Jane out! 

On the outside, I was acting as if. 

I was acting the way I thought I needed to act depending on the culture or politics of the situation. 

Yes, we do have to adapt...but not to the point of losing ourselves in the process! 

When times got rough and I was out of control...others were surprised to see Jane's survival personality coming through - and it wasn't very refined! 

Sometimes self-exploration shows particular actions you need to take - and taking them might prove to be painful. 

As you grow to a deeper appreciation and understanding of self, others may not like it one bit! 

Authenticity helps you to regain control of your life and this may make the controllers in your life angry, defensive, and even more controlling. 

Their distorted feelings, although real, come from their loss of control over you - they may still love you dearly, or value your friendship, but they must not be allowed to take your life in their hands. 

The essence of your authenticity is true and clear, and it becomes stronger each time it is recognized as so, and each time you consult yourself over some decision. 

Many authenticity seekers report that once they began taking back control, people in their lives truly important to them eventually came to respect and enjoy them even more, although the initial "coming out" caused great uneasiness in their relationships. 

How To Engage Authenticity

Keeping in mind all the great things that can and will begin happening for you in light of some of the not so great stuff, here, in brief, is how authenticity can be engaged and embraced in your life. 

You engage in an expedition of discovery which helps you to get to know yourself better than you did at the start. ¡¤ You work to pinpoint areas in which you haven't allowed authenticity in the past, and you consider reasons why this was so. ¡¤ You create a foundation with authenticity as the key so that you always have a ready plan of action to engage whatever chaos comes your way. ¡¤ This foundation also stands strong as you encounter others who do not favor your newfound authenticity or those who state they simply will not allow you to be this way. ¡¤ You recognize that you are a very special, genuine soul on this earth. No longer will you try to copy the actions of others. You won't need to imitate it. You will be yourself, effective, accountable. Yes! You will be all this thing! s and more when you begin from a center of authenticity! 

Authenticity improves productivity and personal fulfillment in your daily work. 

It diminishes feelings of hopelessness and reduces tardiness and absenteeism. 

These positives, and those mentioned before, are attained through authenticity because when you are true to yourself, you can rely on our autonomy in your choices, weighed carefully with your values and principles. 

As you respond to others, they mirror that responsiveness to you - it's catching! Authenticity yields confidence that allows your creativity to flow and the innovation in you is unleashed. When combined with a personal plan of action and choices made from accountability, authenticity propels us along toward our vision and allows us a feeling of content. Just think of the possibilities if all of us, and our organizations too, would engage our authenticity. Wow! Synergy in life.

Jane Miller works with People to Discover their Authentic Life Work and to use their Potential in a World of Chaos. 


Be Your Boss: Do-It-Yourself Debt Settlement

 Many people find themselves owing much more money than they can realistically afford to pay back. 

If you can relate to this situation, then it’s highly likely that you’ve researched your options and have decided that negotiating with your creditors for reduced settlements on your credit card balances may be the best solution to become debt-free.

Now that you’ve made the decision to attempt negotiating with your creditors you’re probably left wondering what steps to take and whether or not you need to have a debt settlement firm to do the negotiating on your behalf. 

Well, that depends; some people can successfully negotiate reduced settlements with their creditors, while others simply feel too intimidated when they face any type of controversy. 

My experience has shown that approximately50 % of the people with whom I talk are willing and able to negotiate on their own.

If you can remain calm and, at the very least, sound confident, during the stress, badgering, harassment, and several phone calls from your various creditors, and you’re patient enough to take the time to become educated about the process of debt settlement, there’s no reason you can’t negotiate on your own.

If you’re going to go it alone, it’s important to understand that the debt settlement process can take several months, and during this time your creditors won’t stop badgering you and trying to convince you to enter into a repayment arrangement. 

But remember, you decided to negotiate with your creditors due to the fact that you simply could no longer afford to make your monthly payments. 

Even if your creditors are willing to reduce your monthly payments and/or interest, you’ll still be faced with many monthly payments over a period of several years. 

So, during the course of your discussions with creditors, stand your ground and insist that you simply cannot commit to a long term payment agreement.

If you need convincing to remain on solid ground when talking with your creditors, think very carefully for a moment about the “make-up” of the credit industry. 

If you’ve made your payments on time every single month for the last several years and suddenly faced a hardship, your creditors simply wouldn’t care. 

You could call and write to these companies, begging for a break on your interest or payments and they won’t budge. Only once you become delinquent will they finally offer you a reduced interest rate or payments. This fact alone should help you stand your ground and insist that you absolutely will not agree to their new payment terms. They weren’t willing to help you after you reached out, begging for assistance, and this unwillingness by creditors to cooperate has led many people down the path to bankruptcy.

After several months and numerous discussions with your creditors, you’ll eventually reach a mutually agreeable negotiated settlement. 

Prior to releasing funds to your creditor, you’ll want to obtain a settlement letter, which clearly states the settlement arrangements that have been verbally agreed upon. 

This is very important; remember, if it’s not in writing it doesn’t exist, so until you have a settlement letter with a settlement amount, a deadline, and the correct account number, don’t pay a dime.

Successful debt settlement requires knowledge and education. 

Take your time and take advantage of the many resources that are available. 

Even if you find that it’s necessary to spend a few hundred dollars to buy materials that will inform and educate you, you’ll end up being several thousand dollars ahead. 

Your decision to become debt-free is one you will not regret.


Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Power of Intention

 I was fried. 

I had once loved my job leading business-writing seminars. 

But after too many days standing in front of corporate managers from 8:00 to 5:00, entertaining them, educating them, and practically willing them to write better—well, it had gotten old. 

And the luxury of room-service had long been overshadowed by an aching desire to sleep in my own bed. 

It was definitely time for a change.

I had learned through study and personal experience that if you want to do something great, you have to start with a clear intention. 

So I sat down one day with paper and pen at hand, closed my eyes, and asked myself what I really wanted to do with my life. 

The answer came easily and quickly: I wanted to speak—not about how to write a better business letter, but how to live a better life. 

When I opened my eyes, I wrote down my intention: to start speaking to audiences about how to create the life we want. 

I then launched into designing the flyer that would describe in detail the first presentation I wanted to give on “Women, Power, and Happiness.”

A couple of weeks later, my friend and colleague Marci Shimoff was in my office. 

Like me, Marci taught business writing in the corporate world, and, like me, she was up to her eyeballs in dangling modifiers. 

We were discussing some fine points of punctuation when she suddenly saw my flyer and grabbed it off my desk.

 “I’ve been wanting to start a speaking business for the past four years,” she practically shouted. 

And just like that, our speaking partnership, which we called The Esteem Group, was born.

The first thing we did was to write down our intention. Our mission was “to help women understand and experience their inner power and self-worth, so they can create and live their own vision.” 

Little did we know what power those words contained.

We began building our speaking business, specializing in self-esteem presentations for women.

 One of our best resources was Jack Canfield, a renowned expert in the field of self-esteem, with whom Marci had studied. 

So when his book "Chicken Soup for the Soul" became a national bestseller that year, we immediately got his permission to share stories from it with our audiences.

It turned out to be a powerful combination: women and Chicken Soup. 

We saw what an impact the stories had, how deeply they moved women, and how much they helped them with the changes they were trying to make. 

So the following January, when Marci approached me with the idea of co-editing a volume for women, I didn’t hesitate. 

We faxed Jack a proposal. 

He said it sounded like a good idea—and then we all got busy and let it drop.

But Marci and I kept getting clearer about our intention: We wanted to touch the hearts of women all over the globe. We wanted to inspire them, uplift them, give them a vision of life lived from the heart—and show them the magnificent support we can be to one another.

We finally flew to Los Angeles and sat down for a meeting with Jack. 

With our vision clearly in mind and heart, we told him that we wanted to touch the hearts of women around the world through a Chicken Soup for the Soul book just for them. 

Jack asked us why he should let us do the project when his office already had a successful track record (they were working on number two in the series). 

Marci and I looked at each other across the table and simultaneously realized we hadn’t prepared a thing to say!

For a moment, we sat speechlessly. Then, all of a sudden, the words started pouring out: We both taught business writing and understood the principles of good writing; 

I had majored in journalism; we understood the “Chicken Soup” genre because we’d been using stories in our public presentations; we were connected with women through our business and felt that we understood what women were hungry for; the women’s market was huge; and finally, Jack and his coauthor Mark Victor Hansen couldn’t coauthor a book for women without women coauthors!

Jack didn’t even hesitate. 

He said yes, and sixteen months later, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul became a reality. 

Within two months, it hit Number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list. 

A million copies had been sold.

But we didn’t understand the real implication of the numbers until the mail started coming in. 

We soon found we had fulfilled our intention beyond our wildest imagination. 

We were deluged with letters from women literally all around the globe telling us how our book had affected their lives. 

Estranged mothers and daughters were reconciled; abused women found the courage to get help, women changed careers, adopted babies, confronted their boss, their illness, their fears, their mother-in-law. 

We toured all over the country, speaking and signing books, and everywhere women shared their stories with us. 

Marci and I wept with them, cheered with them, and most days felt we were the luckiest women alive. 

I still feel that way!

To say that Marci and I worked extremely hard on that first book would be an understatement.

 The learning curve was steep, and we had to put the book together while still building our speaking business and teaching in the corporate world to earn an income. 

Even finding days when we were both in town at the same time was challenging! 

But we knew it was the opportunity of a lifetime. What a perfect vehicle we had found to fulfill our desire.

I believe that Intention is a fundamental principle of success. 

It is not the same as goal-setting. Goal-setting comes from the mind, while intention comes from the heart. 

The intention by itself doesn’t make things happen either. But when intention comes from the heart and is coupled with the willingness to work, miracles can happen.

 We may not know how it’s going to happen, but we don’t need to. We just need to be awake to opportunities and willing to show up and do what’s needed.

Adapted from The Soul of Success: A Woman’s Guide to Authentic Power, Health Communications, Inc., copyright 2005 Jennifer Read Hawthorne.

Jennifer Read Hawthorne is an international keynote address speaker and author. 

Her other titles include co-author of:

Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul

Chicken Soup for the Single’s Soul

A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

Diamonds, Pearls & Stone: Jewels of Wisdom 


The Power Of Emotional Health

 Man's obsession with physical fitness is evident wherever you go.  

There is a phenomenal increase in the growth of fitness clubs and gyms.  

People have become conscious of their body image that they are willing to go the extra mile just to have the same sculptured body like those that are usually splashed in the pages of magazines, billboards, TV, and movie screens. 

People try to find sensible and sustainable ways to achieve and maintain a physically fit body, yet tend to overlook another important aspect of their well-being: their emotional health.

It has always been said that a healthy body cannot be divorced from a healthy mind or a healthy spirit. 

Emotional health is considered an integral part of man's overall wellness.  

Neglecting your emotional health can damage your physical health in the process. 

Research has shown that one of the leading contributors to illness is stress caused by unresolved emotional issues. 

Psychologists believe that emotions, such as fear, joy, sadness, and anger are mental responses to events, circumstances, people, or our own thoughts and memories.

 They course through our conscious and unconscious mind at critical junctures or during seemingly inconsequential moments of our lives. 

Biologists, on the other hand, tell us that our emotions are rooted in self-preservation, triggering physiological reactions that enable us to find food, escape danger, and reproduce. 

In his work entitled "Emotional Intelligence", author Daniel Goleman pointed out that, “...all emotions are, in essence, impulses to act, the instant plans for handling life that evolution has instilled in us." 

Emotions have also evolved into facial expressions and body language so that each member of the group can signal his or her wants and needs to other members. 

As John D. Mayer, a leading expert in the study of emotions has remarked: "Emotions convey information...about relationships." 

Emotions are so powerful and actually possess the ability to make us sick, as well as provide healing.  

Emotions are relayed to the immune system through the autonomic nervous system. 

When people experience anxiety,  depression, and other painful emotions, the immune system can be affected and may cause a risk for a whole host of illnesses.  

In the same way, having a healthy emotional outlook in life can boost the resistance against disease. 

Mayer has emphasized, "People can reason with emotions in the same way they reason with cognitive information. 

So you can solve emotional problems just as mathematicians solve math problems." 

However, he also acknowledged that some emotions, such as grief and anger, can be harder to control or reason with.  

The interplay of various emotions makes that form of “reasoning” very difficult. 

Not all experts agree that human beings are born with a full range of emotions.  

Instead, some theorize that people were born with instincts and urge, along with an innate capacity for feeling. As people grow older, they develop personalities and nurture relationships with others, which are valuable experiences that help them expand their feelings into full-fledged emotions. Having a complete range of emotions is important for overall health and well-being.

Emotional health consists of five key components: 

1.Being is aware of your emotions. 

Emotionally healthy people are in touch with their emotions and can identify and acknowledge them as experience.

2.Being is able to process your emotions. 

After connecting with their emotions, emotionally healthy people develop appropriate ways of expressing them.

3.Being sensitive to other people and their emotions and having the ability to empathize. 

The ability to identify their own emotions enables emotionally healthy people to identify emotions in others and to have an intuitive sense of what it feels like to experience them.

4.Being self-empowered. 

Emotionally healthy people honor their emotions, which empowers them to fulfill their goals.

5.Being in healthy relationships. 

Using their emotional intelligence and empathy, emotionally healthy people build and maintain strong, functioning relationships. 

Just as emotional health can affect a person's physical health, the same is true with one's lifestyle making a direct impact on emotional health.  

Vitamins and minerals stimulate the production of chemicals in the brain.  

These are known as neurotransmitters that regulate our physical and mental health functions, including the way we process emotions.  

Minor deficiencies of these nutrients can lead to depression and irritability, as well as hamper our ability to concentrate and stay motivated. 

Definitely, unhealthy foods can adversely affect emotional health. 

Excessive intake of caffeine demonstrates many of the same physiological and psychological symptoms as people suffering from anxiety, while a diet with too much sugar has been linked to depression, aggression, and impaired judgment. 

Many experts believe that people with strong spiritual fervor tend to have healthier immune systems and are less prone to depression and high blood pressure.  

It can be surmised that the faith of religious adherents gave them an enhanced sense of well-being which helped reduce their levels of stress.


Prove Your Power: Take Action Now and Achieve Your Goals


I swear, it seems as if there are more opinions regarding fat loss than there are people. 

It's amazing. 

What's even more amazing (and frustrating), is that most of them are wrong, if not downright dangerous.

There is just way too much information for you to even get started with a successful program, sometimes known as "information overload".

There are so much information and so many differing opinions that you never even get yourself started. 

Or, you get started, but never give any particular program a chance, instead of going from one to the other, in a "shotgun" approach, never giving anything a chance to make progress.

You need to pick a sensible program and decide to stick with it for a long enough period of time that you can measure your results or lack thereof.

If you're like most people, fear, doubt, and confusion are preventing you from moving forward and tackling your fat loss goals. 

This prevents too many people from achieving their goals in life, whether it be a successful career, or building their body.

Everyone feels fear and doubt. 

The difference is that successful people move forward anyway and use these things as motivators to help them achieve their goals.

Do something! Hit the gym. 

Eat that nutritious meal.

You don't have to know everything to get started. 

Do a few weight exercises a couple of days a week, drop one thing in your diet that you know you shouldn't have. 

You can fine-tune your program as you go, doing more and more of the things you need to do.

Forget about whether supplement a is better than supplement b or if a turkey is better than chicken or should you have whey protein with casein or take them separately.

If you aren't doing the fundamentals correctly, these things just don't matter. 

This goes back to a previous article I wrote where I stated that things such as narrow grip, wide grip, etc. won't mean a thing if there are major flaws in the fundamentals of your training program.

Forget about which supplement is better for what, whether you should be riding the bike or hitting the treadmill if the turkey has less fat than chicken.

Master the fundamentals first!

The fundamentals of fat loss include:

Perform high-intensity weight training,

Burn more calories than you consume

Eat 5-6 small, frequent meals and never skip meals,

Taken in a few tablespoons of good fats such as flaxseed or sunflower

Eat natural foods; avoid processed & refined foods

Drink a lot of water

Eat more fibrous carbs, fruits & vegetables,

Consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass

Perform high-intensity cardio

If you're not doing all these things, and you're looking for the perfect supplement stack or the optimum periodization plan, then you are just setting yourself up for failure from the beginning.

Fitness Is A Lifestyle, Not A Diet

Do you know what is the biggest fat loss mistake made by beginners?

As many of you are aware, gym memberships always shoot up in January and February. 

All of the sudden, you can't get the equipment you want without a long wait. Don't worry, as you move into March, most of the newcomers will be gone because they've quit.

Results may come slowly for most of you unless you are genetically blessed.

But if you stick with it long enough, if you resolve to make it a lifestyle and not a quick fix, you will get the results that you want. 


Be Your Boss: Taking Care Of Inner Health

 Inner health is a very important subject because 95% of life-threatening diseases start inside our bodies where we can’t see what is happening. 

By ignoring symptoms we often allow the problem to increase until treatment becomes difficult or, in the worst cases, impossible. 

It is also true that one hour of prevention is far better than one year of treatment. 

In this article, we will look at the main source of “body fuel” – the food that we eat and, more importantly, how we eat it. 

But before going into that subject there are other things we should not be doing:

1. No smoking.

2. No drinking alcohol to excess.

3. No taking of unprescribed drugs.

This article is written on the assumption that you abide by the three rules above.

What we eat is the starting point. 

There is no point in eating foods that are saturated in fat as your basic diet and complaining that you are overweight and/or feel unwell. 

Of course, you do because this is self-inflicted by an inadequate diet. 

Small meals are taken regularly (even six meals each day) are better for you than long periods without food followed by a heavy meal.

Large, rich, meals late at night should be avoided, especially for older people. 

A cooked meal at midday is digested better than a late-night meal.

You should drink at least one and a half quarts (1.5 liters) of fluid each day; much more if the weather is hot.

 If you become ill you should double your fluid intake. Water is the best.

Improving your diet is not as difficult as most people claim. In most instances, it is simply a case of adjusting the balance of what we eat.

 Here are a few tips:

Eat more fiber in the form of fruit, vegetables, and whole-grain bread. 

In addition, add two tablespoons of coarse bran to your breakfast cereal. 

This provides bulk, or roughage, that your digestive system depends upon to function properly.

Cut down on fat, normally taken in fast foods and fries, etc. 

Eat more lean meat, fish. Grill rather than fry foods where possible.

Eat less sugar (This means no soda’s because the average can of soda contains an equivalent of 20+ Tablespoons of sugar equivalent) 

Do not drink beer with meals because beer stops your body from breaking down fats.

 Water is the best drink followed by low-calorie drinks and unsweetened fruit juices.

Walk for at least half an hour each day. Park your car at the furthest parking space from the supermarket; the exercise will increase your lifespan. 

If possible use stairs rather than escalators. 

All of these small things, together with your balanced diet, will increase your health and lifespan.


Prove Your Power: For A Long Life - Keep Your Life Simple!

 It may be too unsophisticated, but keeping your life simple is an important key to longevity. 

Aside from prolonging life, it makes a long life happy.

What is the purpose of a long life, if you spend most of it in illnesses?

A short life is better than a long life of being bedridden, medicine sustained and pierced by dozens of intravenous tubes.

In all the perplexities that are going on around, many people have forgotten how simple “simple” really is. 

They have forgotten that one key to a healthy life is being downright simple.

Simplicity is oftentimes so profound to other people that they do not believe it unless someone complicates it for them.

They find it hard to imagine that once upon a time, people lived comfortably and very happy — that satisfaction exists even without TV, air conditioners, or phones. 

They lived much longer and healthier lives long before the discovery of Science and Medicine. They don’t need some social science experts to tell them that needs are proportional to progress, and that needs cannot stay as they are while progress goes on, especially at a fast pace.

Well, some people have found the secrets to keeping simple while progress goes on running a crazy race around them..... 

We will see this later in this article....

This thing about life being complicated (and should be made complicated to enjoy it) has been impressed on people by media and by a “metropolitan culture” that says life is all about competing and coping up.

Daily, from every possible angle of attack, we are bombarded by manufactured suggestions that we cannot be simply simple — that you got to have this and that, and you got to be this and that — or be left behind by the majority and be worlds apart from the rest.

This is mostly the spirit of modern commercialism. 

Though not actually said, the mindset of “being simple is a sin” has become rampant.

In case you haven’t noticed, commercialism has become the strongest life pressure, and the strongest life killer! 

The pressures brought about by stressful competition can kill!

Recently, Australian health experts discovered that too much emotional and work-related pressures produce chemical reactions in the blood that later develop into fatal diseases like cancer.

According to physical therapists and massage therapy experts, pressures build up lumps in the body that constrict smooth blood flow. 

These constrictions produce your unexplained body aches that can later weaken your body defenses. They are harmful to your health.

Advocates of simple living say that Commercialism is blowing surface-deep physical and vain emotional needs out of proportion by tricking the conscience of people into believing that non-conformities to suggested and highlighted commercial needs are bad.

Simply put, it is saying, “You’re a loser if you don’t have this!”

Commercial needs are often for physical beauty, trendy accessories, fame, prestige, fashion, and other mundane, temporal, and non-essential things, all of which man can live without. 

These things excite and resurrect the spoiled brat in people. So, stop wasting time, trying to be like or have and go for a walk in a park, meet nature, and be grateful for yourself. Because in the end,

You only need you to be happy!


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Gaining Wealth and Success Without Climbing the Corporate Ladder

 Many people fall into depression because no matter how hard they work and no matter how much time they spend in the office, they are still far from being successful. 

While many see their jobs as a means of finding personal expression and fulfillment, the majority of people define their success in terms of money

 They try to put up with the endless loads of work, impossible deadlines, and work pressures --- yet doing all these have not brought them closer to financial security. To make matters worse, many successful executives and highly driven young professionals find themselves sick and tired all the time.

 The enormous toll on their health had made their job seem like a curse instead of a blessing. 

It is no wonder that millions of dollars are spent on health care each year due to stress and other work-related anxieties. The uncontrolled drive for success had brought not a few people to the emergency room or to the hospital to get both medical and psychiatric care. 

In America, millions of people work at least 40 to 60 hours a week. 

They do so because their success beliefs are anchored on the following premises: 

  • Get good grades in school in order to get a good job. 
  • Find a job in a large company or corporation. 
  • Work hard in the office in order to get recognition and promotion, which entails getting a high salary. 
  • Get the children through school and have enough retirement and pension money. 

This formula for success has been tried by millions yet not everyone gets to achieve their goals, at least in financial terms. 

In fact, some success finance and success gurus question the wisdom of the said formula. 

They think that there are other ways to attain success without the stress and anxiety of climbing the corporate ladder. 

One such guru who questions the effectiveness of the traditional approach is named Robert Kiyosaki. He is an investor, businessman, author, and motivational speaker. 

He is best known for his book entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad

In his book, he tackles the two different sets of advice he received from his “rich dad” and “poor dad.” 

According to Kiyosaki, his “poor dad” was a smart and highly educated individual, who, nevertheless, failed to succeed financially. 

He said that his “rich dad” was not academically inclined but was very street-smart and financially adept. 

In his book, he also discusses the depression, stress, and anxiety that are encountered by many people who thought that their education and jobs would automatically guarantee financial success. 

Kiyosaki said that one of the most important questions that his “rich dad” asked him is: “Why do you work so hard for something you'll never own or can never pass on to your children?” 

That question said Kiyosaki, somehow leads one to think that having a stable job may not be the key to financial success after all. 

Kiyosaki also writes about a concept which he calls the 'Cashflow Quadrant.” 

The Cashflow Quadrant, according to Kiyosaki, spells out how money or wealth is generated by different types of people. 

To better understand the concept, picture a simple cross on a blank sheet of paper. On the top left quadrant, write the letter 'E” which stands for Employee. 

On the lower left quadrant, write a letter “S” which stands for the Small Business Owner or Self-Employed. 

On the upper right quadrant, write the letter “B” to mean Big Business. 

And on the lower right quadrant, right the letter “I” which stands for Investor. 

Kiyosaki says that many “E” people are resource-oriented in terms of their approach to work and their lives as well. 

To succeed, these people rely on their current resources: their academic degrees, cash on hand, secure job, physical health, etc. 

According to Kiyosaki, employees usually have this mindset. The “S” people, on the other hand, are able to generate their own income by having their own business. 

But according to Kiyosaki, the “E” and “S” people rarely succeed enough to have real wealth that would allow them to retire comfortably. These people are able to retire with some money but only after decades of hard work.

 Kiyosaki argues that being in these quadrants is not the best option since an employee can lose a job and his health which would then prevent him from doing his job. Small businessmen can encounter severe changes in the market that affects profit, or one's own company can fall into bankruptcy. 

In contrast, the people who belong to Big Business (“B”) and the Investors (“I”) are the ones who can really gain wealth. 

Where lies the difference? 

Big Businesses and investors achieve financial success because they are able to harness the expertise of other people. 

Unlike the self-employed or small business owners, the members of the “B” and “I” quadrants do not do all the work by themselves. 

They let the experts do the work based on their desired objectives or financial goals. 

Unlike people from the “E” and “S” quadrants who “work hard for the money,” the “B” and “I” people let their money work for them. 

In his books, Kiyosaki cites some financial instruments, strategies, and anecdotes on how people can make their money work for them. 

He discusses this concept using the term “active income vs. passive income.” 

The main point of his financial advice is that people should learn how to invest their money on assets such as real estate property that can be rented out so that they would have regular income even without working.

 He also mentions that since the value of the property depreciates, the amount of tax to be paid also decreases and does not pose any financial difficulty on the part of the investor in the long-term. 

Kiyosaki says that financial literacy and having the right mindset are important in order for people to know how they can choose the best path towards financial freedom.

 While Kiyosaki's books do not exactly show the step-by-step approach to financial success, he does provide very good motivational thoughts on how to avoid financial self-destruction.

 He focuses on improving one's mindset which includes moving from being resource-oriented to being opportunity-oriented. In a typical financial counseling session, Robert Kiyosaki would usually say that: 

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire...the size of your dream...and how you handle disappointment along the way.” 

Indeed, the ability to handle disappointments is essential to one's emotional stability and physical health. Having the right mindset when it comes to finances and life itself is the key to real success. After all, financial success without health is simply a bad deal.


"A Better You" Your 7 days program for self-improvement

Is your self-esteem, on the rocky side?

Here are some helpful hints to improve, the better you in seven days.

I seem to lost count of how many times I've read and heard of celebrity marriages failing almost left and right.

 Not that I care (and personally I don't), it seems strange that we often see movie and TV stars as flawless people, living the fairytale life of riches and glamour. 

I suppose we all have to stop sticking our heads in the clouds and face reality.

There are many ways to lose your sense of self-esteem despite how trivial it could get. 

But whatever happens, we should all try not to lose our own sense of self.

So what does it take to be a cut above the rest? Here are some of the things you can think and improve on that should be enough for a week.

1. Know your purpose 

Are you wandering through life with little direction - hoping that you'll find happiness, health, and prosperity? 

Identify your life purpose or mission statement and you will have your own unique compass that will lead you to your truth north every time.

This may seem tricky at first when you see yourself to be in a tight or even dead end. 

But there's always that little loophole to turn things around and you can make a big difference to yourself.

2. Know your values 

What do you value most? 

Make a list of your top 5 values. 

Some examples are security, freedom, family, spiritual development, learning. 

As you set your goals for 2021? - check your goals against your values.

 If the goal doesn't align with any of your top five values - you may want to reconsider it or revise it.

The number shouldn't discourage you, instead, it should motivate you to do more than you can ever dream of.

3. Know your needs 

Unmet needs can keep you from living authentically. 

Take care of yourself. Do you have a need to be acknowledged, to be right, to be in control, to be loved? 

There are so many people who lived their lives without realizing their dreams and most of them end up being stressed or even depressed for that matter. 

List your top four needs and get them met before it's too late!

4. Know your passions 

You know who you are and what you truly enjoy in life. 

Obstacles like doubt and lack of enthusiasm will only hinder you, but will not derail your chance to become the person you ought to be. 

Express yourself and honor the people who have inspired you to become the very person you wanted to be.

5. Live from the inside out 

Increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence. 

Commune with nature. Breathe deeply to quiet your distracted mind. 

For most of us city slickers, it's hard to even find the peace and quiet we want even in our own home. 

In my case, I often just sit in a dimly lit room and play some classical music. 

There's sound, yes, but music does soothe the savage beast.

6. Honor your strengths 

What are your positive traits? What special talents do you have? 

List three - if you get stuck, ask those closest to you to help identify these. 

Are you imaginative, witty, good with your hands? Find ways to express your authentic self through your strengths. 

You can increase your self-confidence when you can share what you know with others.

7. Serve others 

When you live authentically, you may find that you develop an interconnected sense of being. 

When you are true to who you are, living your r purpose and giving of your talents to the world around you, you give back in service what you came to share with others -your spirit - your essence. 

The rewards for sharing your gift with those close to you is indeed rewarding, much more if it were to be the eyes of a stranger who can appreciate what you have done to them.

Self-improvement is indeed one type of work that is worth it. 

It shouldn't always be within the confines of an office building, or maybe in the four corners of your own room. 

The difference lies within ourselves and how much we want to change for the better.


Friday, October 23, 2020

How To Enjoy Being Single In A Couple's World

 It’s sometimes easy to forget how great the single life can be when you’re surrounded by loved-up couples and fending off your mum’s clumsy attempts at matchmaking. 

What’s the problem with being single? 

Nothing, of course – except that sometimes the sight of your coupled-up friends all over each other, or a stranger holding hands with her boyfriend in the street, can make you suffer a sudden attack of single panic – the feeling that you’re alone in a world of twosomes. 

But don’t despair, you just need a dash of single-survival therapy.

Many women see being single as just a waiting period between men, but there’s no better time to learn about yourself, explore opportunities and do all the things you were too busy to do with a boyfriend. 

All it takes is the right mindset – so follow these strategies for feeling fabulous when you go solo. 

Indulge Your Desires - When you’re single, you live life on your own terms. 

Meaning you can move to a new city or head off to the Caribbean for a week without having to take someone else’s needs into account. 

Single women who have more freedom often see more of their friends and have more opportunities to do what they want, when they want. 

You also have time to pursue interests you may have previously put on the back burner. 

Let’s be honest – it’s hard to squeeze in me - a time when you have a man. 

So take advantage of this period to travel, start a course, or go on a self-improvement kick. 

Savour Small, Sexy Encounters - Cursing into a situation like a dinner party where you know there’ll be lots of couples may sound scary. 

But, armed with the right attitude, it’s a golden opportunity. 

See, unlike your attached friends, you’re a sexy agent, able to flirt around the room and flirt up a storm, not having to worry about a bad-tempered partner brooding in the corner. 

In fact, it’s those guilt-free, ego-boosting moments that make single life so much fun (especially when you’re the envy of every ball-and-chained girl in the room). 

Single women are often so caught up in getting a man, then don’t appreciate the coy, carefree encounters that make being unattached exciting. 

So train yourself to revel in those opportunities. Once you’re back in a relationship, you’ll miss that anything-can-happen rush you get from meeting new men.    

Don't Give In To Brainwashing - Ask yourself this: what’s so bad about being boyfriend-free? We line in a society that sends out messages to women: while the media glamorizes being single, there’s still that old-school message from friends and family that says it’s sad and pathetic. 

So don’t let your coupled-up friends. 

‘Don’t worry, we’ll find you a man!’  into your psyche. 

Tune them out and you’ll realize you’re having a good time. 

If you’re enjoying the single status – going out with friends, pursuing your own interests – let others know. 

That way, they’ll quit obsessing about your single, status and you can get back to the task at hand: flirting with the hottie who whipped up your latte.

Okay, so you've got the right attitude, but what do you say to those unwanted voices?

Your parents ask: ‘So, have you met any nice young men lately?’

You say: ‘Well, I’ve been hanging out biker bars and AA meetings, but so far nothing.’

Your ex asks: ‘Found yourself another bloke yet?’

You say: ‘Actually, funny you should ask – I'm into women now.’

Your friends say: ‘I think you’re being way too picky.’

You say: ‘Didn’t your ex live with his mum?’


Thursday, October 22, 2020

How vulnerable Are You To Stress?

 In modern society, most of us can't avoid stress. 

But we can learn to behave in ways that lessen its effects. 

Researchers have identified a number of factors that affect one's vulnerability to stress - among them are eating and sleeping habits, caffeine and alcohol intake, and how we express our emotions. 

You can make yourself less vulnerable by reviewing the items on which you scored three or higher and trying to modify them. 

Notice that nearly all of them describe situations and behaviors over which you have a great deal of control. 

Concentrate first on those that are easiest to change - for example, eating a hot, balanced meal daily and having fun at least once a week - before tackling those that seem difficult.

Bills are piling up, the front lawn is a jungle, and you can't remember what your desk looks like under those stacks of paper. 

If only you had more time. 

We've all said it at one time or another. 

Lack of time can be a major source of stress. 

As demands of daily living grow, more and more of us feel there just aren't enough hours in a day to do everything that needs to get done. 

Teaching people how to manage their time is now an American enterprise. 

There are time-management books, tapes, workshops, and seminars to make us more efficient. 

Day planners, organizers, and calendars help us remember and organize things. 

We even have personal coaches to help us turn chaotic lives into more orderly ones. 

Time Is On Your Side 

Learning to better manage your time can make you feel more in control of your life. 

That can reduce stress. 

If you can get a handle on how you spend your time, you'll be able to work smarter and function better at home and away. 

You'll relax more, be less stressed, find your goals are within easier reach and have more time for yourself. 

You'll also be proud of how organized you've become! 

Sound impossible? 
It's not! 

Here are some ways to become a wise time manager wherever you are: 

Get Organized. 

You can waste a lot of time looking for things you've misplaced, trying to make plans or decisions at the last minute, or putting things off for later. 

Clean up your desk and office by making places to store things — file cabinets, notice boards, in- and out-boxes "to read" and "bill-paying" trays — even a shredder! 

Make files, update your Rolodex, and organize your pantry and drawers so you can find things more easily.

What's that you say? 

These things take time and you already don't have enough time? 

Putting in some extra time to get organized will save you a lot of time in the long run. 

And don't try to do all your organizing in one day. 

Tackle just one drawer or closet each weekend. 

Sort through a pile every other day until you get through all of them. 

Keep a day planner or calendar handy and use it. 

Post all your important telephone numbers and email addresses in an easy-to-see place so you don't have to keep looking them up. 

Make a schedule for bill-paying day, laundry day, grocery shopping day, and library day. 

Make "to do" lists and check off tasks once they're done. 

This will show progress and help you feel like you're getting things done when you don't think you are. 

Set Priorities. 

List the things you must get done in a day. 

Be realistic. 

Writing down how much time you expect each activity to take, helps. 

The most important things go at the top of your list. 

Focus on getting those done during your high-energy time of day. 

Bump the less important tasks to the next day or week if you can't get to them. 

And don't beat yourself up if you don't. 

Remind yourself that there are only so many hours in a day and you're doing the best you can. 

Nobody's perfect! 

Stay Focused. 

If you're working on a project, close your office door, ignore the phone and email messages, tell family members or coworkers you're unavailable - try to get rid of all the distractions that prevent you from finishing your task. 

Distractions can cause stress. 

And the stress gets worse because you didn't finish the job you set out to do even though you made the time. 

Schedule a half-hour at the start and middle of the day to review and respond to emails and phone calls. 

Allow another 30 minutes at end of the day to wrap up for the day and get organized for the next one. 

Multitask Wisely. Why not kill two birds with one stone when you can? 

For instance, write Christmas cards or update your Rolodex while you're watching television. 

Don't get carried away with multitasking, though. 

That may lead to more stress and even be dangerous. 

Shaving, sending a fax, or sitting in on an important conference call while you're driving is downright dangerous! 

Get Help. Decide what you realistically can do in the time you have and get help doing the rest. 

Lighten your load by asking someone to run an errand while you're cleaning the house for company. 

That lets you receive your guests more graciously when they arrive. Getting a coworker to pitch in on a big project shows you can delegate work and get things done. 

With a little practice, you can become quite good at managing your personal and professional time. 

Not only will you become more efficient, but you'll also have less stress. 


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Prove Your Power: Anger Management Tips to use in Stressful Situatio...

Prove Your Power: Anger Management Tips to use in Stressful Situatio...:  When an individual is dealing with anger issues, usually their emotions evolve when put in stressful situations. If a difficult incident po...

Prove Your Power: How to live healthier+Focus on your mental and emo...

Prove Your Power: How to live healthier+Focus on your mental and emo...:  The main thing to a healthier you, is to eat the right exercise and visit your family doctor regularly.  This is all part of a healthier yo...

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Quicker Success Through Business Kits And Startup Guides

 You have always had an interest in starting a particular type of business

 However, realistically you know that you lack the expertise required. 

How can you start the desired business from scratch and begin making profits without the steep learning curve? 

Your answer might be to buy a business kit or startup guide.

For example, let`s say you wanted to start your own import and export business. You will find business kits and startup guides written by persons who have already successfully ran an import-export business. Sometimes these kits consist of actual books, courses, forms, videos, audio cassettes, and other media. Other times, the information may be in the form of a downloadable e-book or a website.

Whatever their form, business kits, and startup guides can shave years off your learning curve. Find out the tricks of the trade for your selected business. 

Avoid costly errors and years of frustration by learning from the mistakes of others.

Some of the businesses covered in articles include consulting, finder`s fees, drop shipping, import-export, bed and breakfast, mystery shopping (also known as secret shopping), various cleaning businesses, catering, daycare, graphic and web design, crafts business, licensing, inventions, mail order, medical transcription, newsletter publishing, professional organizer, public speaking, real estate, self-publishing, surveys, writing, and just about any other specific business you might be interested in.

Often, for less than one hundred dollars, you can have the benefit of years or even decades of experience from successful entrepreneurs.

Therefore, if you wish to enjoy quicker success, consider buying a business kit or startup guide.


5 Crucial Home Business Tips to Realize Financial Freedom

 Starting your home business is the easy part, but realizing your long-term goal of financial freedom takes much effort and dedication. There are many ways to operate a home business, but the tips below outline some solid principals you should follow to earn a steady income from home no matter what your home business.

1. Set Goals for Success

Setting goals will help you stay focused on what you want to accomplish within your home business. Start with long-term goals for where you would like to be financially five, ten, even fifteen years from now. Next, create short-term goals for daily, weekly, and monthly achievements. 

To attain financial freedom is a great long-term general goal, but it will take many small goals to reach this level. You'll need to set small goals to create a steady cash system. A home business will go nowhere without goals, so take this step before starting any other tasks.

2. Create a Pleasant, Professional Home Office

Evaluate your home business workspace. Do you work in a corner of your bedroom with a desk and computer? Is your office usually the kitchen table between meals? Do you try to work in the living area while the rest of your family enjoys conversation or entertainment? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you'll probably need to make some changes. 

Create an office space that is for work only. Even if it's in the corner of another room, block its view with office sectional walls or some type of barrier wall to give a sense of privacy. An office should be just an "office" and nothing else. When you arrive at your office, you're ready for work. When you leave the office space, the workday is over.

3. Get Organized

Once you have a defined work area for your home business, fill it with supplies and tools to make work easier and more efficient. Choose a desk and chair for comfort as well as back, neck, and arm support. Desks with shelves and cabinets can make organizing your office a cinch, especially if you have limited office space. Also, keep a daily to-do list, calendar, and schedule book to prioritize tasks. 

4. Stay on Schedule

When you work at home, it's easy to get off schedule because of interruptions or the temptation to take time off for leisure activities. Keep in mind that every moment wasted today usually means more work the next day. Eventually, you'll be working around the clock and never seem to accomplish anything. For home business success, keep a steadfast work routine daily and set a work schedule you can stick with every day. Develop a mentality that every job is actually a pay-by-the-hour job. Every hour spent working will help you make money and gain financial freedom.

5.  Separate Business from Personal Tasks

Once you set a schedule, stick to it. Don't allow personal tasks to get in the way of work. This can be anything from cleaning the house to visits from friends or relatives to watching television. Take breaks from your computer, but try to avoid getting involved in personal tasks during your breaks. Many women confess to washing dishes, ironing clothes, vacuuming, and other personal tasks while on break from their home business. Personal tasks can cause your mind to be off-focus, and it will be difficult to return to a regular work routine afterward. 

Find other things to do during breaks that won't take your mind too far away from work. Take a 15-minute walk. Sit and read a self-help book related to your business. Or, take a quick snack break, with a healthy snack of course!

Once you take these steps, you're ready to enjoy a steady cash system at home that works. You can earn money doing what you love most, and your home business can soar to heights never imagined if you stick with these basic principals. Get ready for a bumpy road, but also look for the financial freedom that awaits you just over the horizon!


5 Benefits Of Using Feeds - How Feeds Can Help Your E-Business

 Feeds are a way of sharing content. When you make material from your website available for publishing on other sites, you provide them with a feed. Basically, it’s a code that lets them post your articles and blogs. There are different kinds of code—XML, RSS, Atom, etc.—but essentially they’re all just different ways of accessing a feed.

According to internet expert Sydney Johnston, “The great thing about a feed is everybody wins.” The article writer gain...


Article Body:
What’s a Feed?

Feeds are a way of sharing content. When you make material from your website available for publishing on other sites, you provide them with a feed. Basically, it’s a code that lets them post your articles and blogs. There are different kinds of code—XML, RSS, Atom, etc.—but essentially they’re all just different ways of accessing a feed.

According to internet expert Sydney Johnston, “The great thing about a feed is everybody wins.” The article writer gains exposure, the reader learns about something of interest to them, and the online seller gets an endless source of pertinent content.

What Can a Feed Do for My Online Business?

Feeds are useful in a number of different ways:

• They Eliminate Spam-filters. They’re 100% opt-in, so readers can subscribe and unsubscribe at will. Feeds are delivered directly to your subscribers, so you don’t contend with filters knocking you out of their inboxes.

• They Provide Free Content. One of the best ways to differentiate your site is to supply readers with interesting material—educate them on topics relating to the product you’re selling.

 If you sell preschool toys, chances are you don’t want to study child development and write numerous articles on the subject—so find someone else who’s already done that and make their feed available to your customers. The constantly updating, applicable subject matter gives your visitors a reason to keep coming back.

• They Can Improve Yur Search Engine Rankings. In the past, search engines were unable to read feeds, but the software is now available to translate them into live links the engines can see (check out Search engines love fresh, dynamic content, so feeds are ideal. They provide relevant information that updates automatically. Not only do your customers get the facts they’re looking for, but the search engines like your site and give it a better position.

• For Affiliate Marketers, They’re an Alternative to Banners. You not only give your customer valuable knowledge but if they click through and purchase something, you get credit. And unlike with banners, you don’t look like you’re putting up junk ads or spam.

• They Can Increase Your Traffic. Anything you write, you should make available as a feed. When other sites pick it up, it’s free advertising for you—all their traffic is able to click through the feed to your site. So you gain new potential customers you wouldn’t have otherwise.

Feeds on any subject are easy to find. There’s a whole collection of search engines just for feeds, like and Says Johnston, “The future of the internet for entrepreneurs is fed. If people don’t master them, they’re going to get left behind, period.”
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- Richelieu -

"Be liberal but cautious; enterprising but careful."

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
"In the lexicon of youth, which Fate reserves for a bright manhood, there is no such word As—fail!


Evergreen books to read this year

  • "Chicken Soup for the Soul" by Jack Canfield
  • "Believe" by Evan Carmichael
  • "As a man thinketh" by Earl Nigthingale
  • "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
  • "You Were Born Rich" by Bob Proctor
  • "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale
  • "No Matter What" by Lisa Nichols
  • "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell


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Iraklio, N/A, Greece
Discovering how people think, why they think in certain ways and what's stopping them most from taking action have always intrigued me. It made me dig dipper into the unlimited human thinking universe.